
Productizing innovation

Creating and launching a first-of-its-kind mobile application


After successfully iterating and delivering the mobile app, the client gained international recognition and trusted us as their digital experimentation lab.

Software development lab

A place to test new client ideas

Quicker iteration

Interactive prototypes within weeks

International recognition

Acknowledged for innovation in their sector by multiple industry organizations


Eau Claire

A leading manufacturer and supplier of truck accessories needed a partner to productize an innovative, industry-first mobile brake controller.

  • Frontend development
  • Backend development
  • Project management
  • Product management
Build type
  • Greenfield
Tech stack
  • React Native
  • iOS
  • Android
commercial driver mobile safety application button

What we did

Planning a new frontier

Creating a mobile phone controller for trailer brakes required a multi-faceted discovery into hardware, software, legal, and user experience.

  • Defined product requirements
  • Laid out roadmap for delivery

Designing an experience

With several user goals outlined from the discovery sessions, we set out to design an application that would allow users to save brake settings, activate emergency brakes, and configure brake preferences.

  • Made Interactive prototypes for each user goal
  • Decided on a final design direction and created assets for development

Mobile development

We used React Native to quickly turn design into a user-ready mobile application.

  • Connected to brake controller Bluetooth service
  • Developed mobile app for iOS and Android

Product release

Market testing and public release informed iteration before we led the app publication process.

  • Collaborated with client to quickly test across devices and with real users to gather data
  • Deployed iOS app after a data-driven iteration and Android stores

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